May 7, 2020 – Our National Day of Prayer

May 7, 2020 – Our National Day of Prayer

Today, we face great challenges. Families across America are struggling, many are fearful, and those who have lost friends and family members are hurting. On this National Day of Prayer, let us never forget that God is in control.

In my own prayers today, I will also take time to pray for all those in positions of civil authority, influence, and national service.

Almighty and Everlasting God, the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth:

We humble ourselves before your Holy Majesty, acknowledging that you, alone, are God, and there is no other. We do not put our trust in princes, in whom there is no salvation; but the heart of the king is in the hand of the LORD, and you turn it wherever you will.

And so, in accordance with your word, we offer our supplications, prayers, intercessions, and Thanksgivings; for kings and all who are in high positions.

Grant wisdom, discernment, and the courage to do only that which is right in your sight to President Donald J. Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence; the members of both Houses of Congress; and to Governor John Bel Edwards, our State Legislators; and all of our Municipal Officials. May they govern as those who will have to give account to you, the Sovereign King of all nations.

Heal our partisan divisions. Grant us the grace of common courtesy and mutual civility. Silence the noise of anger and self-aggrandizement. Restore to us a vision of a united Republic, indivisible, secured by mutual respect and love of neighbor, in the fear of your Name and with gratitude for your blessings.

We thank you for, and seek your blessing upon, all the men and women serving our nation by sea, land, and air. We pray that you would stretch forth your almighty arm to strengthen and protect our soldiers in every peril. Shelter them in the day of battle;
and in times of peace, may their service promote and preserve peace around the world.

Comfort them and their families when they are separated from one another; and may the truth and comfort of the gospel of Jesus Christ be freely and boldly proclaimed, and received and believed, throughout the armed services of our nation.

May those who sit in seats of justice be humbled before you. May their judgments be made in accord with the truth and righteousness of your word. May they ever be mindful that you are the One who will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ on that day He returns to judge the living and the dead; and that they, together will all humanity, must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. So grant them humility and courage to make judgments that honor you, protect the innocent, maintain justice, and punish the evil-doer, to the glory of your Name.

These and all our prayers, with thanksgiving for all your blessings, we present to you, beseeching your mercies and seeking your grace to help in this time of our dire need; through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, one God eternal. Amen.
